Fuel scheduling information is easy to understand.
Left side:
A/C/S/I Auto/Call/Service/Inactive
W/H Oil fired hot Water or Heat only
Tank size
Drop Optimum delivery set by you
ITA In Tank After last delivery)
Right Side:
Date Last delivery
Qty Quantity last delivery
YTD Year To Date Gallons
R/C/F Retail minus Cost plus Fixed price
Price per gallon
C/P Capped price Fixed Price
Contract gallons Purchased and Remaining
Both Winter & Summer Scheduling of deliveries by:
K/D/C/G K-factor Degree days between Calendar days Gallons per day
Loc Tank location
Disc Discount allowed per gallon
Delivery history:
Years worth of deliveries shown with date, gallons, price, actual usage factor and whether the delivery was in winter or summer
If a ticket is printed this shows:
Each customer can have up to four different fuels scheduled:
Each fuel has its own schedule and can be based on any of the four usage factors