Hints & Tricks
Because DRM-Windows is so customizable, there are many creative ways of using or combining its features. The purpose of this section is to list interesting or novel solutions and tips. We hope you find them useful and do feel free to contact us if you'd like additional information. Also please let us know if you've discovered a neat way of using the application to solve a business problem and we'll share it.
Use 'Account Merging' to manage those customers sent to Collections.
- Get started by creating a new account called Collections. Let's say it is Account #3000-1.
- Find a problem account and merge it with the Collections master account. It will become #3000-2, the next one becomes #3000-3, etc.
- Every time you work on any one of these sub accounts, you will see the balances for that customer, as well as the total balances for all of your collections accounts combined.
- You can easily run reports or see notes for just your collections accounts.
- Use Notes to track Emergency Contact Information.
- Create a new Notes category just for this purpose. Give it a short code such as "EMERG" with a description of something like "Emergency Contact Info".
- When a customer provides you with this information, simply Add a new note to their account and choose "EMERG" for the category. Enter in as much information as you like.
- You may also want to Flag the note or make it Sticky so your attention is drawn to it when the account is pulled up.
- You can run a report at any time to print just the "EMERG" notes for any or all of your customers.
Use "To-Do" Notes to follow-up on action items.
- Create a new To-Do Notes category for each of your operators. For example you can set up a category for Jane Smith, you billing clerk. Create a notes code as "TO-DO-JS" and something like "Jane's To-Do" as the description.
- When a customer has an action item, add a new note and enter as much information as possible to describe the situation accurately. If you want Jane to be responsible for following-up, then select "TO-DO-JS" as the note's category.
- Jane can run a report to just show all her To-Do notes. The boss can run a report to show everyone's action items.
- Simply change the note category when the matter is resolved and the note will drop off the to-do list.
Report on how many New Accounts were acquired this year, last year, last quarter etc.
Open the Custom Reports screen and pick the fields you want to see displayed.
In the Criteria section, choose "DtAdded" and then enter the relevant date range.
A fast way to change a date in a Reports screen.
- Click on the part of the date (month, day, year) you want to change
- Every time you press the <Plus> (+) key, the value increases by one
- Every time you press the <MINUS> (-) key, the value decreases by one