Version 2.2.129

New features in revision. 2.2.129

You can now see and edit Service Information from the Work Order and Invoice screens

Everyone now has their own "Personal Preferences"

The "MORE" button.

You can now print individual envelopes instead of labels if you like.

In Customer Lookup, searching by Street Name has been improved

New Report -- Payment History

Fixes and Small Changes

  1. Fuel & Tax Summary report now prints totals.

  2. You can now use Criteria with the Fuel & Tax Summary report.

  3. You can now print up to 99 copies of a meter ticket.

  4. If a Search/Sort code contains an Ampersand "&", it now displays correctly on the customer Info screen.

  5. When you log in your posting date will be set to the current Degree Day date, instead of remembering the last Posting Date you used.

  6. If you pick YTD Units in Custom Reports, the total is displayed on the bottom of the report just like when you pick currency fields.

  7. The Delivery History grid now displays the Fuel price with up to 3 decimal places.

  8. The Notes report now shows the Bill address for each customer on the report.

  9. Statements are now even easier to read as the line requesting a Budget Payment now prints in a separate section.

  10. The "Invoice Summary with Details" report now shows a running balance.

  11. The Search/Code now prints on a Work Order for an unscheduled service.  If it is scheduled then the Contract # prints instead.