
For the best forms, both stock and custom, we use:

Wehof Forms

42 Readington Rd
Somerville, NJ 08876
Toll Free: 1-800-221-1209
Fax: 908-722-8585

Web site: 


Meter Tickets:

Custom Meter Ticket

Wehof created this form by starting with the standard DRM-3 ticket and re-doing the right end.

While they were at it, they put the customer's logo where DRM usually prints their company name.


The Standard Wehof Ticket

Form# DRM-3

We can do a lot with this form. See the standard layouts below. 


The Standard Wehof Ticket

Wehof form# DRM-3

We print the billing name on top.

We call this layout: TKT0-B

Wehof Forms can put your company's logo in the center section.



A Different Layout

Wehof form# DRM-3

We print the delivery name on top.

We call this layout: TKT0-S

Wehof Forms can put your company's logo in the center section.



Another Standard Wehof Ticket

Wehof form# 3C

We print the billing name on top.

We call this layout: TKT3C-B

Wehof Forms can put your company's logo at the top.



A Different Layout

Wehof form# 3C

We print the delivery name on top.

We call this layout: TKT3C-S

Wehof Forms can put your company's logo at the top.



Return Envelope Meter Ticket

Wehof form# 4-E

It has a return envelope attached.

We call this layout: TKT4E

Wehof Forms can put your company's logo in the center section.



This is the attached envelope before closing.


This is the return envelope after it has been sealed.


Service Work Orders:


Work Order for dot matrix printers.

Wehof form# SI-3



A Work Order form that prints on your plain white paper.

Wehof can supply plain white laser paper that is NCR coated. Print two copies of your work-order, place one over the other and make carbonless copies!



This is the blank form used for statements and Invoices . Wehof form# LDRM-1




For matching, two window envelopes, use Wehof form# MLDWE





Other Forms:


Budget Envelope for dot matrix printers.

Wehof form# Budget Envelope.

A packet of these is sent to your Budget customers. They insert their check, fold over the end and mail it back to you.